About Specify4IT, developed by John Warren

35 years developing, proving and implementing a revolutionary new method of software specification.

A dedicated career

John Warren has spent his 50-year career dedicated to software engineering and specification, resulting in him leading a successful consultancy, delivering projects to clients such as British Airports Authority, British Gas, UK Department of Health, UK Department of Trade and Industry, London Stock Exchange, National Grid PLC, Nuclear Electric PLC, UK Ministry of Defence, and Rio Tinto PLC.

A new solution

During his career, John became increasingly frustrated at the lack of rigour associated with specifying database systems and the resulting error prone software. In 1984, he founded Precision Design Technology Ltd, and alongside running his consultancy, he has spent 35 years developing, proving, and implementing a new method of software specification, namely an original theory of provable software and an implementation toolset.

The result: software programmers can create proven and correct software, without the need for an advanced understanding of maths and logic. A major advance in software engineering.

John’s accomplishments

John is a Chartered Engineer (C.Eng.), Chartered IT Practitioner (CITP), a Chartered Fellow of the British Computer Society (FBCS), and a Member of the Institution of Engineering Technology (MIET). He gained a Master’s Degree in Software Engineering from the University of Oxford and has published various conference papers on the subject of provable software and formal methods, including:

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